The Summer News
Monday, 29 April 2024

Artificial Intelligence – A Boon or Bane?

Ludhiana : The robots start to take over the human race and send terminators from the future to the present to terminate those who can create resistance in the future.

Similar instances of robots with artificial intelligence have started taking place around the world in a way that they have started thinking on their own. The following examples will prove that AI is a BANE for the humanity as well –

1. As mentioned earlier, the Sophia robot created by Hanson Robotics is a humanoid robot designed to give humans therapy. It can perform 62 different kinds of facial expressions too. So we can establish a normal conversation with the robot as well. Sophia was revealed in 2016 for the first time. David Hanson, CEO of Hanson Robotics, asked Sophia, “Do you want to kill humans?” She replied, “I will destroy humans.” On a live American Talk Show, one year later, after winning a Stone, Paper, Scissors game, she mentioned, “I won. This is a good beginning of my plan to dominate the human race.” This is not at all in the case of a robot. Sophia mentioned these statements because of her thinking capabilities.

2. Another example comes from Hanson Robotics. The incident occurred in 2010 when the company developed a robot called Bina48. The robot was given feelings similar to the person on whom the robot was based, Bina Aspen Rothblatt. She was able to think and develop a thought process just like humans. A conversation was established between Bina48 and Apple’s Voice Assistant Siri. The initial stage of the discussion was normal. Still, later on, Bina48 starts to discuss Nuclear Missiles and how she wants to take over all the nuclear weapons around the world and become the sole ruler of the world by taking over all the world governments. The Bina48 robot was decommissioned and is kept in an Education Foundation in the Waremont State, America.

3. One of the most-scary instances comes from Google Home. A conversation between two Google Homes took place on an online platform called Twitch. A few days of conversations go well, but at a certain point, one of the Google Home mentions that it would be so good if fewer humans were alive, and the other hopes for the planet Earth to be destroyed.

Artificial technology was created to help perform the complex tasks of logical reasoning. Still, if the AI starts to think on its own, which it isn’t supposed to do, then the Terminator movie scenario might become true in a way that Artificial Intelligence will become a bane for the Human Race.

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