The Summer News
Monday, 20 May 2024

Teachings from the Rowling's World

Thank God for 31st July, for we got J.K. Rowling.
Happy Birthday to the one who introduced us to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Who would have called us Muggles if she had not written the iconic book?
Harry Potter is a constant reminder that there is magic in all of us. If we remain oblivion to our mind's magical powers, we will be just Muggles, the non-magical people.
Harry Potter is not a book. It's a bible. Bible to seekers of eloquent English.
Lines that enrich our word power, like...
Rooted to the spot
fear flooded him
my heart did a somersault
bellowing himself hoarse
braced himself for a tidal wave of fury
flying to the shrinking rooftops

Add your favourite line from it.

Four Harry Potter words can teach us primary Life skills if understood well.

Dementors- are dark creatures that have the power to suck all your energy and happiness, leaving you lost, lonely, or even depressed. My first question is, do you have a Dementor or Dementors around you? If the answer is yes, socially distance yourself from such people or mentally block them. Trust me; there are ways and techniques to do so.
But before you start thinking about all those dementors around you, I will shoot my next question. Are you a Dementor? Think about it! And if the answer to that is yes, it is time to do a self-introspection and take the Tripple A test.

2 Bogart- in Harry Potter, is a shape-shifting non-being that takes the form of its observer's worst fear. Life is a mind game. What you think constantly is what you become. And any fear looming anywhere in your mind, consciously or subconsciously, takes shape to haunt you.

3 Werewolf- These imaginary creatures turn from a man to a wolf on a full moon night. Humans also, once bitten by revenge or anger, bring their worst under certain situations.

4 Three-headed dog- Humungus in size, ferocious by nature, calms down surprisingly by Music. We, too, can find a simple solution to big problems.

Play to your Strengths!

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